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iii) In Engineering discipline, India’s contribution to the World publications is 7.10% (higher by 2.29% than
                 Overall  category),  and  99.98%  of  total  publications  output  in  Engineering  discipline  is  from  eligible
                 institutions in India Rankings.

             iv)  In case of Pharmacy, India’s contribution to the World publications is 6.58% (higher by 1.77% than Overall
                 category). However, only 53.14% of publications in Pharmacy comes from eligible institutions in India
                 Rankings which indicate towards existence of a sizable pharmaceutical industry in the country that is active
                 in research as well as in publication of their research output in peer reviewed journals.

                       Discipline / Category                           No. of Research Publications
                                                    World              India             Eligible
                                                    (1)                (2)               Institutions
                       Overall (All)               10680401              514196               450987
                                                                    4.81% of (1)         87.71% of (2)

                       Engineering                  3191580              226562               226506
                                                                    7.10% of (1)         99.98% of (2)
                       Management                   141380                 7518                  5788
                                                                    5.32% of (1)         76.99% of (2)
                       Pharmacy                     257157                18251                  9698
                                                                    6.58% of (1)         53.14% of (2)

                          Table 13: Research Publications of Eligible Institutions in Comparison to

                                     Total Research Publications of the World and India

                   Fig. 12: Research Publications of Eligible Institutions in Comparison to Total Research
                                Publications of the World and India (On a Logarithmic Scale)

        India Rankings 2023                                                                                     16
   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31