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Table 10 and Fig. 9 also conveys that the share of research publications in Management, Pharmacy and general degree
        Colleges is at a much smaller scale in comparison to publications in Overall, Universities and Engineering discipline. In
        fact, in the Management discipline, the average publications count is 8.35 (Row 4; Column 8) per institute in three
        years, i.e. a little less  than three publications per year. However, since the top 100 institutions in Management category
        publish 83.98% of publications, the average count for the top 100 is around 19 publications per year, which is fairly
        good. As a further caution, it may be noted that this data pertains to publications belonging to the Management
        discipline as categorized by the Web of Science. Clearly, many of the best management schools also publish in allied
        areas  such  as  Economics,  Social  Sciences,  Information  Technology  and  Psychology  –  which  may  not  belong  to
        mainstream Management discipline, and therefore, excluded from consideration here.

        7.2.2. Bradford’s Empirical Law as Applied to Concentration of Publications in Most Productive Institutions

          Categories /   Institutes/      Most          Medium        Low          Least             "0"       Total
          Domains       Publications      Productive    Productive    Productive    Productive    Publications

          Overall       HEIs                     16           42            98           966           72      1194
                        Publications        115378        114273        113227        108109            0    450987
          Universities   HEIs                    12           31            68           283            3       397
                        Publications         71654         71261         70776         66952            0    280643
          Research      HEIs                     10           18            39            94            0       161
          Institutions   Publications        82334         81854         81027         75870            0    321085
          Engineering   HEIs                     13           36           104          1041           45      1239
                        Publications         56913         57151         56802         55640            0    2   26506
          Management    HEIs                      8           16            36           244          389       693
                        Publications           1469        1487           1464          1368            0      5788
          Pharmacy      HEIs                     12           24            52           268           49       405
                        Publications           2496        2502           2432          2268            0      9698
          Architecture    HEIs                    2            3             5              6          82        98
          & Planning    Publications             12           14            11              6           0        43
          Medical       HEIs                      3           10            20           107            1       141
                        Publications         18942         18311         18021         15313            0      70587
          Dental        HEIs                      8           18            36            87            2       151
                        Publications            714         678            685           613            0      2690
          Agriculture &   HEIs                    3            8            17            55            9        92
          Allied Sec.   Publications           3400        3378           3246          2551            0      12575
         Law            HEIs                      2            2             6            16           69        95
                        Publications             43           36            34            24            0       137
         Colleges       HEIs                     38           81           159           701          309      1288
                        Publications           6481        6419           6368          6198            0      25466
                 Table 11. Comparative Research Output of Institutions in Various Categories and Domains:
                                    Least Productive to the Most Productive Institutions

        It is observed that the Bradford’s empirical law of concentration of journal articles in scientific periodicals is also
        applicable to the research productivity of ranked HEIs.   The Bradford’s Law states that articles in a given subject
        concentrate heavily in a relatively small number of highly productive journals. As per the Bradford’s Law “if scientific
        journals are arranged in order of decreasing productivity of articles in a given subject, they may be divided into a
        nucleus of periodicals more particularly devoted to the subject, and several groups of zones containing the same
        number of articles as the nucleus, when the number of periodicals in the nucleus and succeeding zones will be

         (Bradford, S.C. (1944). Sources of information on specific subjects. Engineering, 137, 1944, 85-86).

        India Rankings 2023                                                                                     13
   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28