Page 25 - NIRF 2023
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No. of Eligible     Discipline /  Total Number    Highly Cited   Highly Cited      Top 100     Remaining
         Inst.             Categories   of Highly Cited    Publications  Publications         Institutes      Institutes
                                          Publications       of Top 100   of Remaining
                                                            Institutions     Institutions            % of Citations
         1194             Overall                85684           47393          133077          64.39       35.61
         397              Universities           58524           24250           82774           70.7        29.3
         1239             Engineering            45648           23360           69008          66.15       33.85
         693              Management               2043            305            2348          87.01       12.99
         405              Pharmacy                 2649            465            3114          85.07       14.93
         161              Research               86396           11523           97919          88.23       11.77

              Table 12: Highly Cited Publications of Top 100 Institutions as Compared to the  HCP of Rest of the
                                    Eligible Institutions in Various Categories / Domains

             Fig. 11: Highly Cited Publications of Top 100 Institutions as Compared to the HCP of Rest of the
                                  Eligible Institutions in Various Categories / Domains

         7.2.4. Comparing Research Publications of India, the World and Eligible Institutions in Various Domains /

         As a useful point of reference, Table 13 and Fig. 12 show the relative numbers of publications from India as compared to
         that of the World and eligible institutions in the respective categories. The following facts are apparent:

             i)   Indian share of the overall world publications is about 4.81%. In the Management discipline, the publications
                 share of  India is 5.32%.

             ii)  87.71% of the scholarly output from India comes from eligible institutions in Overall Category. In fact, it can be
                 safely concluded that this would be close to (if not equal to) the total scholarly output from the academic
             world from India.

        India Rankings 2023                                                                                     15
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30