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It can also be observed from Table 18 and Fig. 17 that total research publications of eligible institutions for the years
        applicable for India Rankings 2022 and India Rankings 2023 constitute 93.76% and 99.98% of total India’s research

        publications in the field of Engineering. Remaining 6.24% and 0.02% of publications are originated from individuals
        and organizations that are not part of the India Rankings in the Engineering subject.

                        Ranking Year                                 Total No. of Publications from
                                  (1)           India          NIRF Applicants       Other
                                                 (2)                      ( 3)       Institutions (4)
                                            No. of  Pubs.   No.            % of 2         No.      % of 2
                      India Rankings 2021     199431        174463       87.48      24968    12.52
                      India Rankings 2022     212684        199409       93.76      13275       6.24
                      India Rankings 2023     226562        226506       99.98         56       0.02

              Table 18: Total Publications of India: Eligible Institutions and Other Institutions in Engineering

               Fig. 17: Total Publications of India: Eligible Institutions and Other Institutions in Engineering

        7.2.6.  Eligible Institutions with “0” Publications Various Domains / Categories

        It may also be noted that a significant number of eligible institutions have no publications at all as revealed in Table 19.
        It is noteworthy that 389 management institutions (out of 776 eligible applicant institutions) and 309 colleges (out of
        2746 eligible applicant colleges) have “0” publication. This is not surprising since many of these see their primary role
        in undergraduate education (colleges) and to a lesser extent, the focus is on “case studies” rather than on research

        publications in case of management institutions.

        India Rankings 2023                                                                                     20
   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35