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No. of              Discipline /           No. of                 %
                            Applicant Inst.      Category           Institutions
                                                                     having “0”

                            2478               Overall                          72        2.91
                            1316               Engineering                      45        3.42
                            777                Management                      389       50.06
                            435                Pharmacy                         49       11.26

                            2746               Colleges                        309       11.25

                          Table 19:  Number and % of Eligible Institutions having “0” Publications

        7.2.7.   Publications Share from top 100 Highly Productive Engineering Institutions

        Furthermore,  a  deeper  look  at  one  of  the  larger  disciplines,  viz.,  Engineering  shows  that  percentage  share  of
        publications of different types of institutions amongst the top 100 ranked institutions in terms of research articles
        published in this domain reveals that IITs take the lion’s share with nearly 35.17% of the Engineering publications to
        their credit followed by 18.42% by NITs and 16.07% by deemed-to-be-universities as shown in Table 19 and Fig. 18.
        There is, at the same time, a good sprinkling in all categories of participating institutions. This clearly augurs well for

        the research productivity in the engineering domain.

                                Institute Category       No. of Publications      %
                                Central Universities                  3785      2.65

                                College                               4169      2.92
                                Deemed Universities                 22908      16.07
                                IITs                                50155      35.17
                                NITs                                26268      18.42
                                Other CFTIs                           2961      2.08

                                Private Universities                  2781      1.95
                                State Private Universities          15818      11.09
                                State Public Universities           13743       9.64

                                Grand Total                        142588        100

                  Table 20: Share of Publications from Top 100 Highly Productive Engineering Institutions

        India Rankings 2023                                                                                     21
   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36