Page 5 - NIRF 2023
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Preamble, Acknowledgements and Credits

        The Ministry of Education is pleased to present the eighth edition of India Rankings for the year 2023 based

        on ranking parameters identified and defined in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF). The
        eighth edition of India Rankings builds upon previous seven annual exercises undertaken between 2016 and

        2022  with  consolidation,  improvements,  and  expansion  in  terms  of  additional  categories  and  subject
        domains added to the ranking exercise, gradual increase in number of institutions that participate in the

        annual ranking and number of institutions that are being ranked in various categories and subject domains.
        While total number of HEIs that participated in the ranking exercise in various categories and subject

        domains have increased from 3565 in 2016 to 8686 in 2023, number of categories and subject domains have
        increased from 4 in 2016 to 13 in 2023.

        The ranking exercise for the year 2023 continues with the practice of providing a common “Overall” rank in
        addition to a separate rank for Universities, Research Institutions, Degree Colleges, and discipline-specific

        ranks  in  Engineering,  Management,  Pharmacy,  Law,  Medical,  Dental  and  Architecture  &  Planning.
        Agriculture & Allied Sectors and Innovation are two verticals added to the ranking exercise from 2023

        India  Rankings  continues  to  be  a  colossal  and  an  arduous  exercise  involving  experts  with  in-depth
        knowledge of higher education system in India, nuances of bibliometric & citation analysis, new trends and

        advances in data science and data crunching. The Ministry is happy to put on record its appreciation for the
        National Board of Accreditation (NBA) for its continued passion and utmost dedication in execution of this

        mammoth task year-after-year. The NIRF Team at NBA together with the team of its partner institution, i.e.
        INFLIBNET Centre at Gandhinagar have played a vital role in the execution of this task.

        India Rankings 2023
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10