Page 10 - NIRF 2023
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Terminology, Abbreviations and Acronyms

         Abbreviation   Full Form                              Abbreviation   Full Form
         Used                                                  Used
         A&HCI          Arts & Humanities Citation Index       FSR           Faculty-Student Ratio
         AICTE          All India Council for Technical Education  GO        Graduation Outcome
         AISHE          All India Survey of Higher Education   HCP           Highly Cited Publications
         BKCI-S         Book Citation Index– Science           HE            Higher Education
         BKCI-SSH       Book Citation Index– Social Sciences &   HEIs        Higher Education Institutions
                        Humanities                             INFLIBNET     Information and Library Network
         CCR-Expanded   Current Chemical Reactions- Expanded   ISRO          Indian Space Research Organisation
         CFTIs          Centrally Funded Technical Institutes  NBA           National Board of Accreditation
         CPCI-S         Conference Proceedings Citation Index-   NIRF        National Institutional Ranking
         Science                                                             Framework
         CPCI-SSH       Conference Proceedings Citation Index-   OI          Outreach and Inclusivity
                        Social Sciences & Humanities           Ph.D.         Doctor of Philosophy
         CSIR           Council of Scientific & Industrial     PR            Perception
                        Research                               RPP           Research and Professional Practice
         DAE            Department of Atomic Energy            SCI-Expanded   Science Citation Index Expanded
         DCS            Data Capturing System                  SSCI          Social Sciences Citation Index
         ESCI            Emerging Resources Citation Index     TLR           Teaching, Learning & Resources
         FRU            Financial Resources and their Utilisation  UGC       University Grants Commission

        India Rankings 2023                                                                                      vi
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15